Launched through the Ad Council, this campaign acknowledges the isolation veterans often feel when returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan. This groundbreaking outreach effort directs them to a social support network created by the IAVA (Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America), a nonprofit composed of vets dedicated to helping other vets. The message was simply, "We know where you're coming from."
After receiving $40 million in donated media from supporters like CNN, MTV, CBS and Hulu, the spot “Alone” wasseen by millions and ignited a broader public discussion about the difficulties returning vets face. It later won a New York ADDY and was awarded the Gold Ogilvy Award for groundbreaking Public Service Announcement.

After appearing in "Alone" real-life veteran Bryan Adams became the face of vets suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). He made several appearances on NBC, CNN and MTV. Today, Bryan continues to be a highly visible and effective advocate for veterans with PTSD.